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    13 years ago


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

So Jazzed!!! I did it

I entered a contest with my photography!!! I am so pumped that I did it and I also have my photography meeting contest printed and now I need to mat it. I need a better system for keeping up with all of the contest. Oh, I also put it to my Flickr, kinda of 4 of my resolutions...If you want to check out my list...see my other blog, which I also updated too. I have got to figure out a way to organize the pic of the day!! I don't just take one but several.... So if anyone has good ideas please comment, I would love to hear them.

I am going to attempt to sort through my photos and post my 365/52 attempt..but if I do not I will still keep posting snipits of life happenings...

Happy Shooting,


Anonymous said...

Cool black and white! Good luck with the photo contest too, that's wonderful!

Rhonda said...

Hi Tracy,
I'm here via your link on Through The Lens of Worship. The link came directly to your blog instead of a specific post. Was there a post with worship images that I missed? I want to be sure and see it if there was. And congratulations on the contest entry. Good luck with that. I look forward to getting to know you more through Through The Lens of Worship.

Sarah said...

Great capture! It was a fun contest, wasn't it? I loved seeing everyones entries. (I'm Sarah Phillips on CM)

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